
Hornbeams are medium sized trees, Carpinus betulus (scientific name) reaching a height of 32 m.

Wood used in woodwork, musical instruments, wheels and turned products.

The Hornbeam is considered difficult to work on account of its density and toughness. However, this same density, coupled with its grain, make an excellent turning wood. Stains, glues, and finishes well.

This wood is rated as non-durable. However, Hornbeam has excellent resistance to wear and abrasion.

Weight: moderately heavy ( 735 kg/m3 )
Color: the sapwood is very thick and the color is nearly white. Pale yellowish brown heartwood isn’t clearly demarcated from sapwood.

Type: hardwoods of the temperate zone
Other names: European Hornbeam, Com mon Hornbeam

Alternatives: Beech

Origin: Europe

Texture : thin and uniform
Wood grain : Straight

Hardness :
Main applications: used in woodwork, musical instruments, wheels and turned products.

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